
Thursday, December 14, 2017, 12:00pm to 1:30pm


Pierce 301

Are you interested in applying computational techniques to medicine and the healthcare industry? 

​P​lease join our collaboration between the ​M​edical ​S​chool and​ the​ ​S​chool​ of Engineering​ on Thursday, December 14th​,​ in Pierce 301 from 12​:00pm ​-​ ​1:30​pm.


Our October meeting generated ​some great​ discussion on health record optimization ​and​ digital phenotyping.​ Now we hope to identify ​some​ collective project​s​ to tackle as a team. Prior to our next mixer, we hope to accomplish the following: 

  • Identify specific ​ projects ​to work on in the ​coming​ year.​ 
  • Transfer leadership to the constituent groups ​. In ​particular​,​ ​we hope to establish ​a ​Principal Investigator ​for each​ group - someone excited to take ​the ​reins ​on ​the collaboration.​ If you're interested in a leadership role, please join us!​ 
  • Generate more interest in this initiative​​​​. 
  • Promote skill transfer between participants.​ 

Please fill out th​is ​signup form no later than December 7​th​ ​ ​so that we can begin ​​​to organize people, projects, and logistics. 


If you have any questions, please reach out to 

Leah ​ Riley​ (, 

Rohan​ Gidvani​ (, or 

Kimia​ Mavon​ (